Ice Rink Střížkov

Public skating at Střížkov metro station

Opening hours
Mo - Sun - 9:00 až 21:00

About ice rink

The new public skating rink is available daily from 9 am to 9 pm and can be found in Park Přátelství near the Střížkov metro station.

Food and drinks

A large selection of hot and cold drinks. For warming up, mulled wine, punch, tea or freshly roasted coffee will serve you well. Of course, there is also draft beer, hot dogs and sweets for the kids. 

Skate rental

Open during rink hours from 9 am to 9 pm. Skates for children and adults, helmets and trapezes can be rented.  Keys to the storage boxes can be borrowed at the rental desk.

Price list


  (All Day)
140 CZK
Children (to 15 years)
 90 CZK


Skate adults
140 CZK
Skate childrens
 90 CZK
Skating aid
50 CZK
Kids gliders
50 CZK
Shoe sleeves
50 CZK
30 CZK
Locker box
20 CZK
* The rental price is for 1 hour and then charged after a quarter of an hour at a prorated amount

Rental of Ice Rink

7:00 až 9:00
Hourly rent
2000 Kč

Rental of Ice rink

In addition to the classic public skating, the ice can be rented so that it is just for you! You can play hobby hockey with friends, practice skating or enjoy the ice just for yourself!


S koncem prosince ukončíme testovací provoz a můžete se těšit na další služby! 
Bruslení pro školy a školky zdarma
Kurzy bruslení pro děti i dospělé
Broušení bruslí pro veřejnost
Tematické akce na ledě
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